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A Presidential Day

May 30, 2012

Hey, what’s up? It’s me, Max, and I hope you’re all having a good week. Cherry-Ot told me that yesterday was the birthday of the late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (or J.F.K. as he’s known). Have you heard of him? J.F.K. was the 35th President of the United States, and he was the youngest person ever to be elected President. He was a great leader and speaker, and he worked hard to make the United States a safe and prosperous country. Also, he was President when the United States made its first manned trips into space. That’s so cool!

I learned that J.F.K. was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, and his family was very involved in politics. His grandpa, Patrick J. Kennedy, was a state senator and political leader in Boston, Massachusetts. Plus, his brother Robert F. Kennedy became attorney general and a U.S. senator from New York, and another brother, M. “Ted” Kennedy, was a U.S. senator from Massachusetts.

While J.F.K. was the youngest president, he was also the youngest president to lose his life in office. Tragically, he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, while he rode in a car with his wife, Jacqueline, in Dallas, Texas. Also tragically, his brother Robert Kennedy was later killed in 1968. It is very sad that these terrible events took place, and the entire nation was shocked and saddened. We all honor the Kennedy family for their commitment and dedication to our country, and we are all thankful for what the Kennedys did for the United States.

Bye for now!

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